About Kate
Kate King is a spiritual director, writer and speaker who loves dancing, laughing with her husband, looking into the eyes of her children, contemplation, snuggling with her dogs and feeling alive.
She also loves getting overly excited when a bald eagle or a red tailed hawk swoops by. Special animal sightings remind her of God’s presence, and God’s presence helps her to be more aware of beautiful animals and the world around her (perhaps see if you can spot the Bald Eagle in the picture above!).
Kate is passionate about helping others feel alive in their bodies and cultivating heaven on earth.
Kate first fell in love with spiritual direction when she was a Children’s Ministry leader at her family’s church. It was during this time that she moved through a deep questioning of her faith, and felt a sense of a loss of God’s presence. She used this time to lean deeper into spiritual formation practices, silence, contemplative prayer and spiritual direction. Little by little, these practices have helped to strengthen her True sense of Self and are all enjoyable ways to experience heaven on earth.
Kate deeply resonates with the teachings of Christian Mysticism - one way to define this is as the conscious awareness of God’s presence with us.
She completed her training in Spiritual Direction through Pax Center for Christian Spiritual Formation. She is also certified as a regenerative health practitioner for the purpose of informing her ability to understand the deeply complex spiritual physical connectedness in order to help people experience Love and healing from within the physical body.
She enjoys continuing to learn about the innate wisdom of the body through practicing Inner Relationship Focusing, a way of listening with the whole self through compassionate Presence. She is also furthering her knowledge of spiritual healing through studying Internal Family Systems for the purpose of encouraging others and herself to live from the True Self center of our being.
Spiritual Direction has helped Kate to feel heaven on earth through remembering oneness with God and our innate connectedness with one another. It is her intention to create space for others to feel seen and heard just as they are and to cultivate a deeper sense of their most authentic True Self rooted in Christ.